OMG! This JTEM guy is so brilliant! Utterly brilliant!
(too old to reply)
2024-07-31 22:34:32 UTC
Okay so this isn't new, I've been talking about this stuff for


If you're not on Facebook or at least not logged on, click the
X on the top right of the box telling you log on. That should
close it and let you watch the video.

What's the point?

Thanks for asking!

One reason why I love the paranormal, why I love the subjects
of aliens and ghosts and everything else is because it's not
scientifically tested. In fact it's all the opposite of science
where people shout "Prove it!" and then go back to eating their
Doritos & regurgitating whatever it is the mainstream media is
ordering them to think about Kamala Hamas...

It's not tested.

And I know. I've looked. I've read supposed "Studies" and they
are nonsense.

So this love of testing for real, instead of merely being
dogmatic and calling it science, intersects with the fact that
alien life is the single greatest scientific find possible.

It's bigger than splitting the atom.

It's huge.

And the UFO nutters are no help. For starters, they're all nutters!
Some of them call themselves "UFOlogists" but they're as divorced
from science as paleo anthropology, and for the same reason:

Selection bias!

Now Avi Loeb is doing a good job here, approaching claims
scientifically. And that's a start. But the video above explains
one other way to search for UFOs/aliens and their technology here
on earth...

Okay. So if there are alien civilization the least bit inclined to
come here, and the UFO mythology says that there are, they had to
have started hundreds, thousands, millions and perhaps even
billions of years ago.

The earth has been visible, our biosignatures advertising life
down here, for billions of years. It would be stupid to assume
that they only started firing off probes in our direction since
the 1940s....

So, secondly, according to UFO mythology this alien tech is not
invulnerable. It crashes.

Who knows? Maybe it was perfect and just got so old, after living
beyond mission parameters, that it stopped working and fell out
of the sky...

So where would this alien tech be?



It would be in museums. It would be part of national treasures. It
would be buried in tombs. It would be in the collections of the
rich. Because anything that fell out of the sky in ancient times
was "Magic" or "Divine." It would a gift from the gods!

Anyhow, use non-intrusive tech to test for the composition of

That's it. It's that simple. Point & pull the trigger and the
screen tells you if it's alien.

Well. Not "Alien" per se but whether or not it's an authentic
artifacts made by ancient humans using ancient technology. Because,
what you're looking for is something that's wrong.

You're looking from fraud, a hoax... something that doesn't fit.

You're looking for materials of no known earth origins. You're
looking for materials of a composition beyond the capabilities of
the ancients. You're looking for purity levels that no ancient
means could achieve, or an alloy that couldn't exist in ancient
times... or a material that doesn't exist now!

So the point is that we can test these UFO claims, and not
destroy artifacts, not violate anyone's beliefs. We just point
a machine at them. That's all.
Kerr-Mudd, John
2024-08-01 18:13:33 UTC
On Wed, 31 Jul 2024 18:34:32 -0400
Post by JTEM
Okay so this isn't new, I've been talking about this stuff for
You love, erm, exotic fanciful "theories" that have, at best, a vague
scientific basis. And you snip and swear at other posters. Why oh why do
you think anyone at all would take you seriously?

</rhetorical question>, [stands back for abuse].
Bah, and indeed Humbug.
2024-08-01 18:55:23 UTC
Post by Kerr-Mudd, John
You love, erm,
I honestly don't give a fuck what you think about me. It
couldn't matter less. In fact, just the thought that you
believe it to be relevant to ANY thread, ANY subject set
aside wonder and confirms with utter certainty that you
are as stupid as you portray yourself.
Post by Kerr-Mudd, John
exotic fanciful "theories" that have, at best, a vague
scientific basis.
So testing ideas have, at best, a vague scientific basis?

Because that was what my post was about: Scientifically
testing a claim. Yes, testing a claim.
Post by Kerr-Mudd, John
And you snip and swear at other posters.
And this is why. Your "Feelings" mask your stupidity,
from you. Because you "Feel" so strongly you believe
your misunderstandings & misrepresentations are valid,
BECAUSE they are in sync with your FEELINGS.

So a reminder: It was about scientifically testing an
idea. These things can be scientifically tested. This
should not have triggered you, this news. The fact that
it did signals something wrong here, with the collective.
2024-08-06 23:51:55 UTC
Post by JTEM
Post by Kerr-Mudd, John
You love, erm,
I honestly don't give a fuck what you think about me. It
couldn't matter less. In fact, just the thought that you
believe it to be relevant to ANY thread, ANY subject set
aside wonder and confirms with utter certainty that you
are as stupid as you portray yourself.
Post by Kerr-Mudd, John
exotic fanciful "theories" that have, at best, a vague
scientific basis.
So testing ideas have, at best, a vague scientific basis?
Because that was what my post was about: Scientifically
testing a claim. Yes, testing a claim.
Post by Kerr-Mudd, John
And you snip and swear at other posters.
And this is why. Your "Feelings" mask your stupidity,
from you. Because you "Feel" so strongly you believe
your misunderstandings & misrepresentations are valid,
BECAUSE they are in sync with your FEELINGS.
So a reminder: It was about scientifically testing an
idea. These things can be scientifically tested. This
should not have triggered you, this news. The fact that
it did signals something wrong here, with the collective.

Seems you clearly care enough to respond. At least you
could try to make your actions match your words. This
newsgroup would be better off is you did.
erik simpson
2024-08-07 03:10:32 UTC
Post by Dexter
Post by JTEM
Post by Kerr-Mudd, John
You love, erm,
I honestly don't give a fuck what you think about me. It
couldn't matter less. In fact, just the thought that you
believe it to be relevant to ANY thread, ANY subject set
aside wonder and confirms with utter certainty that you
are as stupid as you portray yourself.
Post by Kerr-Mudd, John
exotic fanciful "theories" that have, at best, a vague
scientific basis.
So testing ideas have, at best, a vague scientific basis?
Because that was what my post was about: Scientifically
testing a claim. Yes, testing a claim.
Post by Kerr-Mudd, John
And you snip and swear at other posters.
And this is why. Your "Feelings" mask your stupidity,
from you. Because you "Feel" so strongly you believe
your misunderstandings & misrepresentations are valid,
BECAUSE they are in sync with your FEELINGS.
So a reminder: It was about scientifically testing an
idea. These things can be scientifically tested. This
should not have triggered you, this news. The fact that
it did signals something wrong here, with the collective.
Seems you clearly care enough to respond. At least you
could try to make your actions match your words. This
newsgroup would be better off is you did.
This news newsgroup would be better off he were banned. He's a pure troll.
2024-08-09 07:07:03 UTC
What triggered you this time?

Why are you reacting? Why the display of emotions?

What caused this? Have you no idea?

Relax. That was a rhetorical question.
2024-08-09 07:05:59 UTC
Post by Dexter
Post by JTEM
And this is why. Your "Feelings" mask your stupidity,
from you. Because you "Feel" so strongly you believe
your misunderstandings & misrepresentations are valid,
BECAUSE they are in sync with your FEELINGS.
So a reminder: It was about scientifically testing an
idea. These things can be scientifically tested. This
should not have triggered you, this news. The fact that
it did signals something wrong here, with the collective.
Seems you
Should NOT have triggered you. You STILL haven't responded
to what I said (not that you're intellectually capable of
it), you continue to lash out emotionally because... because...

You're not even composed to a degree where you might explain

The post was about testing ideas, even ideas you might find
marginal at best... or that you might FEEL are marginal
at best.
2024-08-01 19:29:59 UTC
Post by Kerr-Mudd, John
On Wed, 31 Jul 2024 18:34:32 -0400
Post by JTEM
Okay so this isn't new, I've been talking about this stuff for
You love, erm, exotic fanciful "theories" that have, at best, a vague
scientific basis. And you snip and swear at other posters. Why oh why do
you think anyone at all would take you seriously?
</rhetorical question>, [stands back for abuse].
JTEM is a narcissistic crank best left ignored.
Bob Casanova
2024-08-01 22:51:58 UTC
On Thu, 01 Aug 2024 19:29:59 +0000, the following appeared
in talk.origins, posted by *Hemidactylus*
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Kerr-Mudd, John
On Wed, 31 Jul 2024 18:34:32 -0400
Post by JTEM
Okay so this isn't new, I've been talking about this stuff for
You love, erm, exotic fanciful "theories" that have, at best, a vague
scientific basis. And you snip and swear at other posters. Why oh why do
you think anyone at all would take you seriously?
</rhetorical question>, [stands back for abuse].
JTEM is a narcissistic crank best left ignored.
Agreed. I prefer the "auto-ignore" technique, but it tends
to take a bit of heat from flamewar aficionados, as well as
from at least one semi-literate nutbar who referred to it as
"censorship". Oy...
Bob C.

"The most exciting phrase to hear in science,
the one that heralds new discoveries, is not
'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'"

- Isaac Asimov
2024-08-02 01:59:30 UTC
Post by Bob Casanova
On Thu, 01 Aug 2024 19:29:59 +0000, the following appeared
in talk.origins, posted by *Hemidactylus*
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Kerr-Mudd, John
On Wed, 31 Jul 2024 18:34:32 -0400
Post by JTEM
Okay so this isn't new, I've been talking about this stuff for
You love, erm, exotic fanciful "theories" that have, at best, a vague
scientific basis. And you snip and swear at other posters. Why oh why do
you think anyone at all would take you seriously?
</rhetorical question>, [stands back for abuse].
JTEM is a narcissistic crank best left ignored.
Agreed. I prefer the "auto-ignore" technique, but it tends
to take a bit of heat from flamewar aficionados, as well as
from at least one semi-literate nutbar who referred to it as
"censorship". Oy...
For someone who claims to prefer blinding yourself to what JTEM says,
you sure do have a lot to say about what JTEM says, a tacit admission
of willful ignorance. Reminds me of another nutbar who regularly
brags about his killfile.

To know less than we don't know is the nature of most knowledge
Bob Casanova
2024-08-02 17:16:02 UTC
On Thu, 01 Aug 2024 21:59:30 -0400, the following appeared
Post by jillery
Post by Bob Casanova
On Thu, 01 Aug 2024 19:29:59 +0000, the following appeared
in talk.origins, posted by *Hemidactylus*
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Kerr-Mudd, John
On Wed, 31 Jul 2024 18:34:32 -0400
Post by JTEM
Okay so this isn't new, I've been talking about this stuff for
You love, erm, exotic fanciful "theories" that have, at best, a vague
scientific basis. And you snip and swear at other posters. Why oh why do
you think anyone at all would take you seriously?
</rhetorical question>, [stands back for abuse].
JTEM is a narcissistic crank best left ignored.
Agreed. I prefer the "auto-ignore" technique, but it tends
to take a bit of heat from flamewar aficionados, as well as
from at least one semi-literate nutbar who referred to it as
"censorship". Oy...
For someone who claims to prefer blinding yourself to what JTEM says,
you sure do have a lot to say about what JTEM says
Do I? Cite to the multitudinous times I've had "a lot to
say" about JTEM's rants, please.
Post by jillery
, a tacit admission of willful ignorance.
Refusing to listen to stupidity is not a vice.
Post by jillery
Reminds me of another nutbar who regularly
brags about his killfile.
Assuming you're referring to me, cite to those "regular
brags", please. I've probably mentioned it around five or
six times over the past couple of years, and only when it
was relevant to the discussion.

You seem to have taken my first comment ("flamewar
aficionado") personally, which indicates you correctly saw
yourself in it; your current post ("blinding yourself",
"willful ignorance", "nutbar") simply confirms that
assessment. You will not, of course, drag me in again.

The second clause, of course, referred to a long-gone nutbar
named, IIRC, Schafley.
Bob C.

"The most exciting phrase to hear in science,
the one that heralds new discoveries, is not
'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'"

- Isaac Asimov
Kerr-Mudd, John
2024-08-02 17:44:03 UTC
On Fri, 02 Aug 2024 10:16:02 -0700
Post by Bob Casanova
On Thu, 01 Aug 2024 21:59:30 -0400, the following appeared
Post by jillery
Post by Bob Casanova
On Thu, 01 Aug 2024 19:29:59 +0000, the following appeared
in talk.origins, posted by *Hemidactylus*
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Kerr-Mudd, John
On Wed, 31 Jul 2024 18:34:32 -0400
Post by JTEM
Okay so this isn't new, I've been talking about this stuff for
You love, erm, exotic fanciful "theories" that have, at best, a vague
scientific basis. And you snip and swear at other posters. Why oh why do
you think anyone at all would take you seriously?
</rhetorical question>, [stands back for abuse].
JTEM is a narcissistic crank best left ignored.
Agreed. I prefer the "auto-ignore" technique, but it tends
to take a bit of heat from flamewar aficionados, as well as
from at least one semi-literate nutbar who referred to it as
"censorship". Oy...
For someone who claims to prefer blinding yourself to what JTEM says,
you sure do have a lot to say about what JTEM says
Do I? Cite to the multitudinous times I've had "a lot to
say" about JTEM's rants, please.
Post by jillery
, a tacit admission of willful ignorance.
Refusing to listen to stupidity is not a vice.
Post by jillery
Reminds me of another nutbar who regularly
brags about his killfile.
Assuming you're referring to me, cite to those "regular
brags", please. I've probably mentioned it around five or
six times over the past couple of years, and only when it
was relevant to the discussion.
You seem to have taken my first comment ("flamewar
aficionado") personally, which indicates you correctly saw
yourself in it; your current post ("blinding yourself",
"willful ignorance", "nutbar") simply confirms that
assessment. You will not, of course, drag me in again.
The second clause, of course, referred to a long-gone nutbar
named, IIRC, Schafley.
Please don't feed the troll(s)
Bah, and indeed Humbug.
Bob Casanova
2024-08-02 20:03:07 UTC
On Fri, 2 Aug 2024 18:44:03 +0100, the following appeared in
Post by Kerr-Mudd, John
On Fri, 02 Aug 2024 10:16:02 -0700
Post by Bob Casanova
On Thu, 01 Aug 2024 21:59:30 -0400, the following appeared
Post by jillery
Post by Bob Casanova
On Thu, 01 Aug 2024 19:29:59 +0000, the following appeared
in talk.origins, posted by *Hemidactylus*
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Kerr-Mudd, John
On Wed, 31 Jul 2024 18:34:32 -0400
Post by JTEM
Okay so this isn't new, I've been talking about this stuff for
You love, erm, exotic fanciful "theories" that have, at best, a vague
scientific basis. And you snip and swear at other posters. Why oh why do
you think anyone at all would take you seriously?
</rhetorical question>, [stands back for abuse].
JTEM is a narcissistic crank best left ignored.
Agreed. I prefer the "auto-ignore" technique, but it tends
to take a bit of heat from flamewar aficionados, as well as
from at least one semi-literate nutbar who referred to it as
"censorship". Oy...
For someone who claims to prefer blinding yourself to what JTEM says,
you sure do have a lot to say about what JTEM says
Do I? Cite to the multitudinous times I've had "a lot to
say" about JTEM's rants, please.
Post by jillery
, a tacit admission of willful ignorance.
Refusing to listen to stupidity is not a vice.
Post by jillery
Reminds me of another nutbar who regularly
brags about his killfile.
Assuming you're referring to me, cite to those "regular
brags", please. I've probably mentioned it around five or
six times over the past couple of years, and only when it
was relevant to the discussion.
You seem to have taken my first comment ("flamewar
aficionado") personally, which indicates you correctly saw
yourself in it; your current post ("blinding yourself",
"willful ignorance", "nutbar") simply confirms that
assessment. You will not, of course, drag me in again.
The second clause, of course, referred to a long-gone nutbar
named, IIRC, Schafley.
Please don't feed the troll(s)
I have most of them in my Special Children File. But this
one isn't a troll in the classic sense.
Bob C.

"The most exciting phrase to hear in science,
the one that heralds new discoveries, is not
'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'"

- Isaac Asimov
2024-08-02 22:43:41 UTC
Post by Bob Casanova
On Fri, 2 Aug 2024 18:44:03 +0100, the following appeared in
Post by Kerr-Mudd, John
On Fri, 02 Aug 2024 10:16:02 -0700
Post by Bob Casanova
On Thu, 01 Aug 2024 21:59:30 -0400, the following appeared
Post by jillery
Post by Bob Casanova
On Thu, 01 Aug 2024 19:29:59 +0000, the following appeared
in talk.origins, posted by *Hemidactylus*
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Kerr-Mudd, John
On Wed, 31 Jul 2024 18:34:32 -0400
Post by JTEM
Okay so this isn't new, I've been talking about this stuff for
You love, erm, exotic fanciful "theories" that have, at best, a vague
scientific basis. And you snip and swear at other posters. Why oh why do
you think anyone at all would take you seriously?
</rhetorical question>, [stands back for abuse].
JTEM is a narcissistic crank best left ignored.
Agreed. I prefer the "auto-ignore" technique, but it tends
to take a bit of heat from flamewar aficionados, as well as
from at least one semi-literate nutbar who referred to it as
"censorship". Oy...
For someone who claims to prefer blinding yourself to what JTEM says,
you sure do have a lot to say about what JTEM says
Do I? Cite to the multitudinous times I've had "a lot to
say" about JTEM's rants, please.
Post by jillery
, a tacit admission of willful ignorance.
Refusing to listen to stupidity is not a vice.
Post by jillery
Reminds me of another nutbar who regularly
brags about his killfile.
Assuming you're referring to me, cite to those "regular
brags", please. I've probably mentioned it around five or
six times over the past couple of years, and only when it
was relevant to the discussion.
You seem to have taken my first comment ("flamewar
aficionado") personally, which indicates you correctly saw
yourself in it; your current post ("blinding yourself",
"willful ignorance", "nutbar") simply confirms that
assessment. You will not, of course, drag me in again.
The second clause, of course, referred to a long-gone nutbar
named, IIRC, Schafley.
Please don't feed the troll(s)
I have most of them in my Special Children File. But this
one isn't a troll in the classic sense.
Jillery isn’t a troll and has provided some good, knowledgable, on topic
posts here over the years. Easily triggered so maybe it is better practice
not to poke the bear. Mutual forbearance (forgive the pun).
Bob Casanova
2024-08-03 02:43:38 UTC
On Fri, 02 Aug 2024 22:43:41 +0000, the following appeared
in talk.origins, posted by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Bob Casanova
On Fri, 2 Aug 2024 18:44:03 +0100, the following appeared in
Post by Kerr-Mudd, John
On Fri, 02 Aug 2024 10:16:02 -0700
Post by Bob Casanova
On Thu, 01 Aug 2024 21:59:30 -0400, the following appeared
Post by jillery
Post by Bob Casanova
On Thu, 01 Aug 2024 19:29:59 +0000, the following appeared
in talk.origins, posted by *Hemidactylus*
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Kerr-Mudd, John
On Wed, 31 Jul 2024 18:34:32 -0400
Post by JTEM
Okay so this isn't new, I've been talking about this stuff for
You love, erm, exotic fanciful "theories" that have, at best, a vague
scientific basis. And you snip and swear at other posters. Why oh why do
you think anyone at all would take you seriously?
</rhetorical question>, [stands back for abuse].
JTEM is a narcissistic crank best left ignored.
Agreed. I prefer the "auto-ignore" technique, but it tends
to take a bit of heat from flamewar aficionados, as well as
from at least one semi-literate nutbar who referred to it as
"censorship". Oy...
For someone who claims to prefer blinding yourself to what JTEM says,
you sure do have a lot to say about what JTEM says
Do I? Cite to the multitudinous times I've had "a lot to
say" about JTEM's rants, please.
Post by jillery
, a tacit admission of willful ignorance.
Refusing to listen to stupidity is not a vice.
Post by jillery
Reminds me of another nutbar who regularly
brags about his killfile.
Assuming you're referring to me, cite to those "regular
brags", please. I've probably mentioned it around five or
six times over the past couple of years, and only when it
was relevant to the discussion.
You seem to have taken my first comment ("flamewar
aficionado") personally, which indicates you correctly saw
yourself in it; your current post ("blinding yourself",
"willful ignorance", "nutbar") simply confirms that
assessment. You will not, of course, drag me in again.
The second clause, of course, referred to a long-gone nutbar
named, IIRC, Schafley.
Please don't feed the troll(s)
I have most of them in my Special Children File. But this
one isn't a troll in the classic sense.
Jillery isn’t a troll and has provided some good, knowledgable, on topic
posts here over the years. Easily triggered so maybe it is better practice
not to poke the bear. Mutual forbearance (forgive the pun).
It's usually worked the other way around, especially when I
happen to mention killfiles and their use. I generally
ignore her(?) when operating in that mode.

And you are correct; jillery frequently provided interesting
and valuable on-topic posts. And who, as I noted, is not a
troll in the classic sense of those who post *solely* to
spark flamewars, and have no interest in on-topic
Bob C.

"The most exciting phrase to hear in science,
the one that heralds new discoveries, is not
'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'"

- Isaac Asimov
2024-08-03 03:09:37 UTC
Post by Bob Casanova
It's usually
You use this alter to pretend you're superior to others. Not
intelligent, though I'm sure you try to convince yourself of
that as well, but superior.

Like now.

You're seriously demented.
2024-08-03 03:11:00 UTC
*Hemidactylus* wrote:


What triggered you? What are you pretending to "Disagree"
with and why?

If these are supposed to be unreasonable questions, explain
2024-08-03 09:29:02 UTC
On Fri, 02 Aug 2024 22:43:41 +0000, *Hemidactylus*
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Bob Casanova
On Fri, 2 Aug 2024 18:44:03 +0100, the following appeared in
Post by Kerr-Mudd, John
On Fri, 02 Aug 2024 10:16:02 -0700
Post by Bob Casanova
On Thu, 01 Aug 2024 21:59:30 -0400, the following appeared
Post by jillery
Post by Bob Casanova
On Thu, 01 Aug 2024 19:29:59 +0000, the following appeared
in talk.origins, posted by *Hemidactylus*
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Kerr-Mudd, John
On Wed, 31 Jul 2024 18:34:32 -0400
Post by JTEM
Okay so this isn't new, I've been talking about this stuff for
You love, erm, exotic fanciful "theories" that have, at best, a vague
scientific basis. And you snip and swear at other posters. Why oh why do
you think anyone at all would take you seriously?
</rhetorical question>, [stands back for abuse].
JTEM is a narcissistic crank best left ignored.
Agreed. I prefer the "auto-ignore" technique, but it tends
to take a bit of heat from flamewar aficionados, as well as
from at least one semi-literate nutbar who referred to it as
"censorship". Oy...
For someone who claims to prefer blinding yourself to what JTEM says,
you sure do have a lot to say about what JTEM says
Do I? Cite to the multitudinous times I've had "a lot to
say" about JTEM's rants, please.
Post by jillery
, a tacit admission of willful ignorance.
Refusing to listen to stupidity is not a vice.
Post by jillery
Reminds me of another nutbar who regularly
brags about his killfile.
Assuming you're referring to me, cite to those "regular
brags", please. I've probably mentioned it around five or
six times over the past couple of years, and only when it
was relevant to the discussion.
You seem to have taken my first comment ("flamewar
aficionado") personally, which indicates you correctly saw
yourself in it; your current post ("blinding yourself",
"willful ignorance", "nutbar") simply confirms that
assessment. You will not, of course, drag me in again.
The second clause, of course, referred to a long-gone nutbar
named, IIRC, Schafley.
Please don't feed the troll(s)
I have most of them in my Special Children File. But this
one isn't a troll in the classic sense.
Jillery isn’t a troll and has provided some good, knowledgable, on topic
posts here over the years. Easily triggered so maybe it is better practice
not to poke the bear. Mutual forbearance (forgive the pun).
What you characterize as "easily triggered" is instead merely noting
the mindless and baseless personal attacks from posters exercising
their inner trolls.

To know less than we don't know is the nature of most knowledge
2024-08-04 01:22:11 UTC
Post by jillery
On Fri, 02 Aug 2024 22:43:41 +0000, *Hemidactylus*
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Bob Casanova
On Fri, 2 Aug 2024 18:44:03 +0100, the following appeared in
Post by Kerr-Mudd, John
On Fri, 02 Aug 2024 10:16:02 -0700
Post by Bob Casanova
On Thu, 01 Aug 2024 21:59:30 -0400, the following appeared
Post by jillery
Post by Bob Casanova
On Thu, 01 Aug 2024 19:29:59 +0000, the following appeared
in talk.origins, posted by *Hemidactylus*
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Kerr-Mudd, John
On Wed, 31 Jul 2024 18:34:32 -0400
Post by JTEM
Okay so this isn't new, I've been talking about this stuff for
You love, erm, exotic fanciful "theories" that have, at best, a vague
scientific basis. And you snip and swear at other posters. Why oh why do
you think anyone at all would take you seriously?
</rhetorical question>, [stands back for abuse].
JTEM is a narcissistic crank best left ignored.
Agreed. I prefer the "auto-ignore" technique, but it tends
to take a bit of heat from flamewar aficionados, as well as
from at least one semi-literate nutbar who referred to it as
"censorship". Oy...
For someone who claims to prefer blinding yourself to what JTEM says,
you sure do have a lot to say about what JTEM says
Do I? Cite to the multitudinous times I've had "a lot to
say" about JTEM's rants, please.
Post by jillery
, a tacit admission of willful ignorance.
Refusing to listen to stupidity is not a vice.
Post by jillery
Reminds me of another nutbar who regularly
brags about his killfile.
Assuming you're referring to me, cite to those "regular
brags", please. I've probably mentioned it around five or
six times over the past couple of years, and only when it
was relevant to the discussion.
You seem to have taken my first comment ("flamewar
aficionado") personally, which indicates you correctly saw
yourself in it; your current post ("blinding yourself",
"willful ignorance", "nutbar") simply confirms that
assessment. You will not, of course, drag me in again.
The second clause, of course, referred to a long-gone nutbar
named, IIRC, Schafley.
Please don't feed the troll(s)
I have most of them in my Special Children File. But this
one isn't a troll in the classic sense.
Jillery isn’t a troll and has provided some good, knowledgable, on topic
posts here over the years. Easily triggered so maybe it is better practice
not to poke the bear. Mutual forbearance (forgive the pun).
What you characterize as "easily triggered" is instead merely noting
the mindless and baseless personal attacks from posters exercising
their inner trolls.
I think we both have experienced inflicted trauma from someone who used to
post here but will no longer. Now that negativity is gone maybe rebuild and
try not to maim each other and move beyond. We will never experience that
level of vitriol again.
2024-08-04 04:24:06 UTC
Post by *Hemidactylus*
I think we both have experienced inflicted trauma from someone who used to
post here but will no longer.
It is common and predictable for cunts like you to pick fights
only to claim victim status.

"Sure I picked a fight with him but only because I'm a victim!
I was traumatized! PITY! ME!"

So what triggered you, your "Trauma?" What did you disagree,
making you a victim?
2024-08-08 17:22:10 UTC
Post by *Hemidactylus*
I think we both have experienced inflicted trauma from
someone who used to post here but will no longer.
It is common and predictable for *_cunts like you_* [emphasis
added] to pick fights only to claim victim status.
"Sure I picked a fight with him but only because I'm a victim!
I was traumatized! PITY! ME!"
So what triggered you, your "Trauma?" What did you disagree,
making you a victim?

Well, aren't you just the charming interlocutor? You know you've
lost the argument when you have to resort to profanities. I suspect
that no one finds this surprising.
2024-08-08 22:14:54 UTC
Post by Dexter
Post by *Hemidactylus*
I think we both have experienced inflicted trauma from
someone who used to post here but will no longer.
It is common and predictable for *_cunts like you_* [emphasis
added] to pick fights only to claim victim status.
"Sure I picked a fight with him but only because I'm a victim!
I was traumatized! PITY! ME!"
So what triggered you, your "Trauma?" What did you disagree,
making you a victim?
Well, aren't you just the charming interlocutor? You know you've
lost the argument when you have to resort to profanities. I suspect
that no one finds this surprising.
I try not to reply to “it” directly.

My main emphasis was that I can empathize with any lingering long term
negative effects jillery may have as I may have some of that too thanks to
a deceased former poster. I wonder how much of the lingering interpersonal
negativity stems from that common source. I would hope those still posting
here could put that behind us and move on. Just let it go. Also jillery
does contribute informative stuff to the group.

If some easily ignored current troll makes that into some psychotic talking
point I don’t care.
2024-08-09 02:35:00 UTC
Post by Dexter
Post by JTEM
"Sure I picked a fight with him but only because I'm a victim!
I was traumatized! PITY! ME!"
So what triggered you, your "Trauma?" What did you disagree,
making you a victim?
Well, aren't you just the
I'm sorry, did I move too fast for you?

So answer the question. Take you meds, breath deeply then answer
the question: What triggered this latest outburst? What are you
pretending to disagree with?
2024-08-04 12:08:15 UTC
On Sun, 04 Aug 2024 01:22:11 +0000, *Hemidactylus*
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by jillery
On Fri, 02 Aug 2024 22:43:41 +0000, *Hemidactylus*
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Bob Casanova
On Fri, 2 Aug 2024 18:44:03 +0100, the following appeared in
Post by Kerr-Mudd, John
On Fri, 02 Aug 2024 10:16:02 -0700
Post by Bob Casanova
On Thu, 01 Aug 2024 21:59:30 -0400, the following appeared
Post by jillery
Post by Bob Casanova
On Thu, 01 Aug 2024 19:29:59 +0000, the following appeared
in talk.origins, posted by *Hemidactylus*
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Kerr-Mudd, John
On Wed, 31 Jul 2024 18:34:32 -0400
Post by JTEM
Okay so this isn't new, I've been talking about this stuff for
You love, erm, exotic fanciful "theories" that have, at best, a vague
scientific basis. And you snip and swear at other posters. Why oh why do
you think anyone at all would take you seriously?
</rhetorical question>, [stands back for abuse].
JTEM is a narcissistic crank best left ignored.
Agreed. I prefer the "auto-ignore" technique, but it tends
to take a bit of heat from flamewar aficionados, as well as
from at least one semi-literate nutbar who referred to it as
"censorship". Oy...
For someone who claims to prefer blinding yourself to what JTEM says,
you sure do have a lot to say about what JTEM says
Do I? Cite to the multitudinous times I've had "a lot to
say" about JTEM's rants, please.
Post by jillery
, a tacit admission of willful ignorance.
Refusing to listen to stupidity is not a vice.
Post by jillery
Reminds me of another nutbar who regularly
brags about his killfile.
Assuming you're referring to me, cite to those "regular
brags", please. I've probably mentioned it around five or
six times over the past couple of years, and only when it
was relevant to the discussion.
You seem to have taken my first comment ("flamewar
aficionado") personally, which indicates you correctly saw
yourself in it; your current post ("blinding yourself",
"willful ignorance", "nutbar") simply confirms that
assessment. You will not, of course, drag me in again.
The second clause, of course, referred to a long-gone nutbar
named, IIRC, Schafley.
Please don't feed the troll(s)
I have most of them in my Special Children File. But this
one isn't a troll in the classic sense.
Jillery isn’t a troll and has provided some good, knowledgable, on topic
posts here over the years. Easily triggered so maybe it is better practice
not to poke the bear. Mutual forbearance (forgive the pun).
What you characterize as "easily triggered" is instead merely noting
the mindless and baseless personal attacks from posters exercising
their inner trolls.
I think we both have experienced inflicted trauma from someone who used to
post here but will no longer. Now that negativity is gone maybe rebuild and
try not to maim each other and move beyond. We will never experience that
level of vitriol again.
Once again, the comments above show that your advice is misdirected.

To know less than we don't know is the nature of most knowledge
2024-08-03 03:14:02 UTC
Post by Bob Casanova
I have
Who cares? You're emotionally disturbed, incapable of
dealing with reality, pretending that your wet nappy
qualifies as insight.

You have to switch handles just to agree with yourself,
you're so pathetic!

Try thinking up positions and articulating them. You
know, like an emotionally secure adult.
2024-08-03 03:15:41 UTC
Post by Kerr-Mudd, John
Again, what triggered you? What are you pretending to
"Disagree" with?

"Oh no! Testing ideas is WRONG, I tell ya. WRONG!"

Your emotional spasms are not relevant.
2024-08-03 09:19:34 UTC
Post by Kerr-Mudd, John
On Fri, 02 Aug 2024 10:16:02 -0700
Post by Bob Casanova
On Thu, 01 Aug 2024 21:59:30 -0400, the following appeared
Post by jillery
Post by Bob Casanova
On Thu, 01 Aug 2024 19:29:59 +0000, the following appeared
in talk.origins, posted by *Hemidactylus*
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Kerr-Mudd, John
On Wed, 31 Jul 2024 18:34:32 -0400
Post by JTEM
Okay so this isn't new, I've been talking about this stuff for
You love, erm, exotic fanciful "theories" that have, at best, a vague
scientific basis. And you snip and swear at other posters. Why oh why do
you think anyone at all would take you seriously?
</rhetorical question>, [stands back for abuse].
JTEM is a narcissistic crank best left ignored.
Agreed. I prefer the "auto-ignore" technique, but it tends
to take a bit of heat from flamewar aficionados, as well as
from at least one semi-literate nutbar who referred to it as
"censorship". Oy...
For someone who claims to prefer blinding yourself to what JTEM says,
you sure do have a lot to say about what JTEM says
Do I? Cite to the multitudinous times I've had "a lot to
say" about JTEM's rants, please.
Post by jillery
, a tacit admission of willful ignorance.
Refusing to listen to stupidity is not a vice.
Post by jillery
Reminds me of another nutbar who regularly
brags about his killfile.
Assuming you're referring to me, cite to those "regular
brags", please. I've probably mentioned it around five or
six times over the past couple of years, and only when it
was relevant to the discussion.
You seem to have taken my first comment ("flamewar
aficionado") personally, which indicates you correctly saw
yourself in it; your current post ("blinding yourself",
"willful ignorance", "nutbar") simply confirms that
assessment. You will not, of course, drag me in again.
The second clause, of course, referred to a long-gone nutbar
named, IIRC, Schafley.
Please don't feed the troll(s)
You and Casanova could go on a diet.

To know less than we don't know is the nature of most knowledge
2024-08-03 03:16:58 UTC
Post by Bob Casanova
Assuming you're
What triggered you? What did you disagree with, and why?

STOP being such a pussy. Ditch the sock puppets. You read
these words. Deal with them and answer: What triggered
you, precisely?
2024-08-03 09:16:16 UTC
Post by Bob Casanova
On Thu, 01 Aug 2024 21:59:30 -0400, the following appeared
Post by jillery
Post by Bob Casanova
On Thu, 01 Aug 2024 19:29:59 +0000, the following appeared
in talk.origins, posted by *Hemidactylus*
Post by *Hemidactylus*
Post by Kerr-Mudd, John
On Wed, 31 Jul 2024 18:34:32 -0400
Post by JTEM
Okay so this isn't new, I've been talking about this stuff for
You love, erm, exotic fanciful "theories" that have, at best, a vague
scientific basis. And you snip and swear at other posters. Why oh why do
you think anyone at all would take you seriously?
</rhetorical question>, [stands back for abuse].
JTEM is a narcissistic crank best left ignored.
Agreed. I prefer the "auto-ignore" technique, but it tends
to take a bit of heat from flamewar aficionados, as well as
from at least one semi-literate nutbar who referred to it as
"censorship". Oy...
For someone who claims to prefer blinding yourself to what JTEM says,
you sure do have a lot to say about what JTEM says
Do I? Cite to the multitudinous times I've had "a lot to
say" about JTEM's rants, please.
The above is one example.
Post by Bob Casanova
Post by jillery
, a tacit admission of willful ignorance.
Refusing to listen to stupidity is not a vice.
Willful stupidity is.
Post by Bob Casanova
Post by jillery
Reminds me of another nutbar who regularly
brags about his killfile.
Assuming you're referring to me,
Assuming you're referring to "another nutbar", you assume incorrectly.
Post by Bob Casanova
cite to those "regular
brags", please. I've probably mentioned it around five or
six times over the past couple of years, and only when it
was relevant to the discussion.
It's silly for you to deny that you regularly mention your use of
killfiles. Such mentions, such as you do here, have no relevance to
any discussions of substance.
Post by Bob Casanova
You seem to have taken my first comment ("flamewar
aficionado") personally,
Once again, you assume incorrectly, which makes your comments below
yet another example of accusing me of what you do.
Post by Bob Casanova
which indicates you correctly saw
yourself in it; your current post ("blinding yourself",
"willful ignorance", "nutbar") simply confirms that
assessment. You will not, of course, drag me in again.
The second clause, of course, referred to a long-gone nutbar
named, IIRC, Schafley.
To know less than we don't know is the nature of most knowledge
Bob Casanova
2024-08-03 17:07:43 UTC
On Sat, 03 Aug 2024 05:16:16 -0400, the following appeared
in talk.origins, posted by jillery <***@gmail.com>:
...You will not, of course, drag me in again.
Read the above for comprehension.
Bob C.

"The most exciting phrase to hear in science,
the one that heralds new discoveries, is not
'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'"

- Isaac Asimov
2024-08-03 20:13:17 UTC
Just retire this handle. You beat any credibility you imaged
clean out of it. So retire it already.

And, oh; what triggered you in the first place? What so
upset you and/or you disagreed with?

Stop being a pussy and answer.
2024-08-04 12:05:47 UTC
Post by Bob Casanova
On Sat, 03 Aug 2024 05:16:16 -0400, the following appeared
How clever, to ape JTEM so you can accuse me of doing what you do.
Post by Bob Casanova
Read the above for comprehension.
You first.

To know less than we don't know is the nature of most knowledge
2024-08-02 05:38:56 UTC
Post by Bob Casanova
Agreed. I prefer the "auto-ignore" technique
More of a lifestyle choice, in your case.
2024-08-02 04:25:46 UTC
Post by *Hemidactylus*
I own you, bitch. Just look at you; thrown into a tizzy because
I posted something!

"But, but, but JTEM talked about SCIENCE and how we can TEST
ideas, even ideas which might lie outside conventional limits!"

Wow. I can see why you're pissing yourself over THAT...

No, not really. But I'm trying to be supporter here. In my own
way, you damn retard.