Trump on top 10 worst presidents list
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2024-10-11 16:11:33 UTC
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Trump makes the worst list in 4 polls of Historians. U.S. News, Siena
College's Presidential Expert Poll, C-Span Presidential Historians
Survey, and Presidential Greatness Survey. Among the worst Trump ranks
3rd, 3rd, 4th, and 1st, respectively.


This isn't off topic because Trumps anti-science attitude likely factors
prominently in the ratings. He is likely responsible for hundreds of
thousands of deaths due to covid 19. He refused to take the advice of
disease experts and consistently lied about the severity of the
infections and spread misinformation about containment and treatments.
He would eventually admit that he lied about how bad the situation was
in order to keep the public from panicking (probably another lie).
400,000 had already died by the time Trump left office, and the total
would top 1.2 million. It should be remembered that Trump refused to
acknowledge and support the initial plans of medical experts to try to
contain the infection. States had to make up their own containment
efforts. The initial claim was if the advised steps were taken that the
pandemic might be limited to less than 200,000 deaths in the US. It was
an over optimistic estimate, but it has been estimated that Trump was
responsible for around 40% of that 400,000 mortality and probably a good
chunk of the subsequent mortality that occurred after he left office.
Trumps anti-science covid stupidity even extended to making
anti-vaccination popular among Trumpies even though Trump had OK'd the
attempts to produce a vaccine.


The stupidity of the Trump era is likely affecting the CDC's and USDA's
response to the Dairy influenza epidemic. The CDC has never even wanted
to start testing and contact tracing. The Republicans have wanted to
prosecute Fauci, basically, for demonstrating how wrong Trump had always

Ron Okimoto
2024-10-11 17:38:05 UTC
Post by RonO
Trump makes the worst list in 4 polls of Historians.
Why cares? It's entirely SUBJECTIVE and it's politics, not
human origins. So why are you even bothering, except to prove
that you're no better than an ill trained dog, crapping on
the neighbor's lawn...

Trump was better than Dubya Bush.

Trump was clearly better than Biden in all categories: The
economy, peace...

Are you blaming Trump for CoronaPanic? I mean, LeftTards
didn't think he was going far enough!

Trump was better than Ronald Reagan. Jeeze! Reagan goes down
in my book as THE WORST President in the last 100 years. He
destroyed our once free press. That's when "equal time" and
limits on corporate ownership/control of the media died, and
it's always when our 1% learned that ANYTHING they ask for is
by definition a reasonable request. Reagan: WORST President

Trump was better than O'BumHole.

Nearly everything mouth breathers complained about with Trump
was going on or even started under O'BumHole.

Remember the fake issue of detaining unaccompanied children?
Like we were supposed to just set illegal alien children loose
on the streets? Seriously. ALL GOING ON under O'BumHole. Fake

Fact is that what we saw under Trump we would have seen under
ANY random Republican, and probably a lot worse.

Trump was no worse than any random Republican and in many
examples -- the middle east, the economy -- he was a lot better
than some Democrats.

Immigration? Again, Trump was no worse than O'BumHole and
neither were as bad as Europe!