eternal september issues with moderated groups
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2024-10-16 19:41:43 UTC
Repost from the California dairy worker thread.
This post didn't show up until the 15th.
You might want to check the thread "misc.legal.moderated" starting
for an explanation and the current status of this issue.
Repost from Misc.legal.moderated. Previous posts in the thread
indicated that there was some issue with how eternal september was
handling posts to moderated groups. Something about resetting the
relays. TO has a sort of moderation. Is eternal september having
issues intearcting with the TO server?

Hello friends.

Somehow DNS within Postfix got wedged on
mod-relay-1.kamens.us for several days. I didn't realize this
was happening because my system monitors didn't detect the
issue. I found out about it this morning when Postfix somehow
got unwedged and I got several days worth of delayed logwatch

I will investigate what happened and try to figure out how to
monitor for this moving forward so it will be detected more
quickly if it happens again.

In any case things should be working fine now.

Ron Okimoto
Ray Banana
2024-10-17 06:00:44 UTC
Post by RonO
Repost from the California dairy worker thread.
This post didn't show up until the 15th.
You might want to check the thread "misc.legal.moderated" starting
for an explanation and the current status of this issue.
Repost from Misc.legal.moderated. Previous posts in the thread
indicated that there was some issue with how eternal september was
handling posts to moderated groups. Something about resetting the
relays. TO has a sort of moderation. Is eternal september having
issues intearcting with the TO server?
Short answer: NO.

Long answer: Neither Eternal-September nor any other newsserver directly
interacts with the TO moderators' software or any other moderation
software. Newsservers forward submissions to moderated newsgroups to the
moderation relays by mail which in turn relay these submissions to the
moderators' mailboxes as registered with the ISC's moderators' lists.
Newsservers can not even choose which moderation relay is used.

The malfunction you noticed affected one of the three moderation relay
servers, so some submissions were delivered without any problem, others
experienced long delays and others were dumped by the moderation relay,

For a detailed description of the submission process for moderated
groups, please refer to


Detailed description of moderation relays:


Flow chart of the relay process:

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Пу́тін — хуйло́
2024-10-17 17:55:38 UTC
Post by Ray Banana
Post by RonO
Repost from the California dairy worker thread.
This post didn't show up until the 15th.
You might want to check the thread "misc.legal.moderated" starting
for an explanation and the current status of this issue.
Repost from Misc.legal.moderated. Previous posts in the thread
indicated that there was some issue with how eternal september was
handling posts to moderated groups. Something about resetting the
relays. TO has a sort of moderation. Is eternal september having
issues intearcting with the TO server?
Short answer: NO.
Long answer: Neither Eternal-September nor any other newsserver directly
interacts with the TO moderators' software or any other moderation
software. Newsservers forward submissions to moderated newsgroups to the
moderation relays by mail which in turn relay these submissions to the
moderators' mailboxes as registered with the ISC's moderators' lists.
Newsservers can not even choose which moderation relay is used.
The malfunction you noticed affected one of the three moderation relay
servers, so some submissions were delivered without any problem, others
experienced long delays and others were dumped by the moderation relay,
For a detailed description of the submission process for moderated
groups, please refer to
Thank you for the clarification. So it looks like one of the relay
systems was messing up, and that accounts for the delayed posting, and
posts that have never shown up were dropped out by the relay system.

Is that relay system fixed?

Ron Okimoto
