Interesting: The Dunning-Kruger Effect
(too old to reply)
2024-06-06 20:09:33 UTC
The supposed dunning kruger effect gets kicked around a lot
on the interwebs, It seems particularly popular with the
Gwobull Warblists, especially when they aren't even familiar
with the narrative they are upholding as "Science."

Try it sometime. Corner a Gwobull Warblists and ask them
things like HOW MUCH CO2 it took to touch off their precocious
Gwobull Warbling, and WHEN did this first occur? Then ask
them how much CO2 the human race exhales in a year, and what
the difference is between this figure and human-expelled CO2
when the earth first tipped the Gwobull Warbling scales...

They have no clue. None. Zip, zero & nil.

Anyway, so morons often invoke the dunning kruger effect but,
how real is it in the first place?


Managers routinely believe that they are better than they are.

Managers rate themselves as more accessible than do their

This "Study" found that 59% of managers believe that they
offer recognition for good work, while only 35% of employees
see them as offer adequate recognition. That's a difference of
24 points!

If we thought about it, rather than merely switching handles
and suffering a conniption, we could probably come up with any
number of ideas on why there could be such divides. One of the
more generous, and obvious, is differing views on what
constitutes performance, motivation, accessibility... etc.


A manager whose /Priorities/ differ from his plebs would
naturally see themselves as offering good recognition for hard
work, while the plebs do not see this.

This does not mean that the manager is good, btw. They could
be placing a great deal of value on things that shouldn't matter,
like being treated with all "due" reverence... "I'm the manager!
NEVER question! Always agree! Always obey!"

Ever have a "Micro Manager?" How do you think they would rate

The overall point here, the great take-away is the fact that
the Great & Powerful "Dunning-Kruger Effect" is really about

"Good" is subjective.

"Right" is subjective.

Things that should never ever be subjective, like "Beneficial,"
are subjective.

Want to go darker? Ultimately the dunning kruger effect is a
bias confirmation. You agree with the status quo, the status
quo assures you that makes you positively *Brilliant* while
anyone who fails to auto agree is a Dunning-Kruger moron. If
they weren't, they would have already agreed with you....
2024-06-06 23:18:07 UTC
Post by JTEM
The supposed dunning kruger effect gets kicked around a lot
on the interwebs, It seems particularly popular with the
Gwobull Warblists, especially when they aren't even familiar
with the narrative they are upholding as "Science."
Try it sometime. Corner a Gwobull Warblists and ask them
things like HOW MUCH CO2 it took to touch off their precocious
Gwobull Warbling, and WHEN did this first occur? Then ask
them how much CO2 the human race exhales in a year, and what
the difference is between this figure and human-expelled CO2
when the earth first tipped the Gwobull Warbling scales...
They have no clue. None. Zip, zero & nil.
