This is how EVIL our world is
(too old to reply)
2024-04-24 20:15:51 UTC
So you understand that National Defense is important.

I may be taking liberties here but I'm going to strut
out on the limb and claim that you understand that
it's important.

But, you also understand that it isn't the place for
your local government. Nope. As important as "National
Defense" may be, your local government has no business
trying to create a nuclear stockpile, say.

That's just inappropriate.

Even if things are "Right" and "Important" or perhaps
even "Moral," it doesn't mean that all people and all
entities must engage in them.

No human being has the right or the authority to enter
the United States and the people thereof into a
suicide pact.

It's not something they can do. Like your municipal
government building nuclear weapons, it's not something
they have any "Right" or "Authority" to do.

The constitution itself is ESTABLISHED as not being a
suicide pact, and as all powers of the government and
it's temporary office holders is derived from that
constitution, there can't ever be a suicide pact entered
on behalf of the nation and it's people.


Suicide pacts can't be done.

But not only is the Ukraine totally against peace but
it is engaging in terrorism, up to and including Weapons
of Mass Destruction.

For real. Even pretending that the Moscow attack was
pulled off by a bunch of Iranian backed terrorists
angered by Russia's great relationship & trade status
with Iran, there's been plenty of other terrorist
attack by the Ukraine. Bombings. A recent train derailment.

Raidiological bombs!

Last week alone the Ukraine attacked one specific nuclear
reactor in an attempt to release the radiation, render a
swath of land uninhabitable while killing everyone
exposed with a slow cancer death. They did this THREE
TIMES! And it was not the only such attack and not the
only such reactor!

And, like I said, the Ukraine isn't interested in peace.

One of the conditions for peace, according to Zelensky, is
that Putin and all the Russian leadership has to surrender
for war crimes trials. That's a condition for peace.

So the Ukraine is guilty of numerous war crimes -- terrorism,
the radiation as a weapon -- but there can never be a peace
until all the Russian leaders give themselves up for trial.

Does that sound like the Ukraine want peace with a nuclear

They're also fascists. And I know that the west has
re-written reality so that the fascists coup back in 2013
has never happened but, the present government of the
Ukraine are fascists. They cancelled elections. They're
persecuting thought criminals such as the Orthodox Church.


The Ukraine will eventually succeed in sparking a nuclear
war and Biden wants America to be destroyed in that war.

Biden is enforcing a suicide pact.

The $60 billion Biden has stolen from the American people
for his suicide pact would pay for 24 Mars Curiosity rovers.

We could know if there's life on Ganymede, Europa or the
skies of Venus.

Nature: "Flying mars rocks to earth could cost an
astronomical $11 billion"


Only problem is, that senile old coot in the Whitehouse
just spent $60 billion to put the American people on the
path to a full scale nuclear war with Russia!

Another $13 billion while leaving an out of control
Netanyahu to widen the war.

More than $9 billion paid to the Palestinians in exchange
for their hating out guts!

Wow, that's money well spent! We pay them over $9 billion
and in exchange they hate our guts!

Or we could search for life on Ganymede and Europa.

Titan, anyone?

We can pay for 10 Mars return missions!

Or Biden can use the money to intentionally risk vaporizing
Americans beneath a mushroom cloud...

REGARDLESS of what promises had ever been made to the
Ukraine, that all ended the moment this became a suicide
pact. Biden has no right to a suicide pact. Our congress
has no right to a suicide pact.

We need the money for good things, not wholesale death.

If we MUST spend it on war then let's keep half, pay the
other half to Russia for taking care of our problem for
us. That'll still leave us at least $30 billion for space

Or we could help Biden and invest it in medical research
for dementia.


Are our priorities terrorism, radiological weapons and

I'm a life long Democrat from a Irish Catholic, pro
union blue collar family. Fuck Biden.

No Trump isn't the answer, he doesn't have Democratic
values. But getting rid of Biden and that whole stinking
administration is very much a part of the answer.

We lost Mars return missions. Plural. We lost the search
for life within our solar system. BECAUSE of this
insanity, BECAUSE an unconstitutional suicide pact is more
important than we are.
John Harshman
2024-04-25 01:14:43 UTC
On 4/24/24 1:15 PM, JTEM wrote:

Well, this is new. I don't think he's spouted any Russian propaganda
before. He even uses the Russian trope of referring to Ukraine as "the
Ukraine", as if it isn't really a country. Ukrainian government as
fascist, check. Moscow theater attack as Ukrainian plot, check. The idea
that Biden wants the US to be destroyed in a nuclear war is a new one to
me, though.
Post by JTEM
So you understand that National Defense is important.
I may be taking liberties here but I'm going to strut
out on the limb and claim that you understand that
it's important.
But, you also understand that it isn't the place for
your local government. Nope. As important as "National
Defense" may be, your local government has no business
trying to create a nuclear stockpile, say.
That's just inappropriate.
Even if things are "Right" and "Important" or perhaps
even "Moral," it doesn't mean that all people and all
entities must engage in them.
No human being has the right or the authority to enter
the United States and the people thereof into a
suicide pact.
It's not something they can do. Like your municipal
government building nuclear weapons, it's not something
they have any "Right" or "Authority" to do.
The constitution itself is ESTABLISHED as not being a
suicide pact, and as all powers of the government and
it's temporary office holders is derived from that
constitution, there can't ever be a suicide pact entered
on behalf of the nation and it's people.
Suicide pacts can't be done.
But not only is the Ukraine totally against peace but
it is engaging in terrorism, up to and including Weapons
of Mass Destruction.
For real. Even pretending that the Moscow attack was
pulled off by a bunch of Iranian backed terrorists
angered by Russia's great relationship & trade status
with Iran, there's been plenty of other terrorist
attack by the Ukraine. Bombings. A recent train derailment.
Raidiological bombs!
Last week alone the Ukraine attacked one specific nuclear
reactor in an attempt to release the radiation, render a
swath of land uninhabitable while killing everyone
exposed with a slow cancer death. They did this THREE
TIMES!  And it was not the only such attack and not the
only such reactor!
And, like I said, the Ukraine isn't interested in peace.
One of the conditions for peace, according to Zelensky, is
that Putin and all the Russian leadership has to surrender
for war crimes trials. That's a condition for peace.
So the Ukraine is guilty of numerous war crimes -- terrorism,
the radiation as a weapon -- but there can never be a peace
until all the Russian leaders give themselves up for trial.
Does that sound like the Ukraine want peace with a nuclear
They're also fascists. And I know that the west has
re-written reality so that the fascists coup back in 2013
has never happened but, the present government of the
Ukraine are fascists. They cancelled elections. They're
persecuting thought criminals such as the Orthodox Church.
The Ukraine will eventually succeed in sparking a nuclear
war and Biden wants America to be destroyed in that war.
Biden is enforcing a suicide pact.
The $60 billion Biden has stolen from the American people
for his suicide pact would pay for 24 Mars Curiosity rovers.
We could know if there's life on Ganymede, Europa or the
skies of Venus.
Nature: "Flying mars rocks to earth could cost an
astronomical $11 billion"
Only problem is, that senile old coot in the Whitehouse
just spent $60 billion to put the American people on the
path to a full scale nuclear war with Russia!
Another $13 billion while leaving an out of control
Netanyahu to widen the war.
More than $9 billion paid to the Palestinians in exchange
for their hating out guts!
Wow, that's money well spent!  We pay them over $9 billion
and in exchange they hate our guts!
Or we could search for life on Ganymede and Europa.
Titan, anyone?
We can pay for 10 Mars return missions!
Or Biden can use the money to intentionally risk vaporizing
Americans beneath a mushroom cloud...
REGARDLESS of what promises had ever been made to the
Ukraine, that all ended the moment this became a suicide
pact. Biden has no right to a suicide pact. Our congress
has no right to a suicide pact.
We need the money for good things, not wholesale death.
If we MUST spend it on war then let's keep half, pay the
other half to Russia for taking care of our problem for
us. That'll still leave us at least $30 billion for space
Or we could help Biden and invest it in medical research
for dementia.
Are our priorities terrorism, radiological weapons and
I'm a life long Democrat from a Irish Catholic, pro
union blue collar family. Fuck Biden.
No Trump isn't the answer, he doesn't have Democratic
values. But getting rid of Biden and that whole stinking
administration is very much a part of the answer.
We lost Mars return missions. Plural. We lost the search
for life within our solar system. BECAUSE of this
insanity, BECAUSE an unconstitutional suicide pact is more
important than we are.
2024-04-25 03:51:24 UTC
Post by John Harshman
Well, this is new. I don't think he's spouted any Russian propaganda
Wow. I keep forgetting that you're retarded.

Did you Google anything you need to pretend is "Russian Propaganda?"

Here. Count down to point #7:


If in your mental illness & mental retardation you want to pretend
there is any ambiguity, there's *Tons* of Zelensky quotes spelling
out exactly what he means:


So there's proof that the man doesn't want peace. The Ukraine is
run by unreasonable, irrational people, right there.

Cancelled elections?


Fascists don't need elections!

Here's a LeftTarded news site talking about one in particular
nuclear reactor that the Ukraine tried to turn into a
radiological bomb THREE DAYS IN A ROW just last week:


Here's a Newsweek article "Debunking" the fascist state of the
Ukraine's efforts to dox any journalists who dares speak the
truth about them. Again, Newsweek is DEBUNKING this fact:


Being a retard you'll never get past the headline but what
the story actually admits is fact is...

: The Mirotvorets list was launched in December 2014 by Ukrainians
: to detail who they believe are "enemies of Ukraine" that "have
: signs of crimes against the national security of Ukraine, peace,
: human security, and the international law."

I first found out about this from a 2016 story and by that time
they had already doxed some 4,000 journalists from pretty much
every single news service on the planet. AS OF 2016!

There. You are retarded. For real. You're a troll, you're retarded,
mentally ill and a worthless spazz.

The $60 billion Biden stole from the American people is part of a
suicide pact that senile old twit is trying to enforce, and he
just plain has no right to do that.

No man, no office holder REGARDLESS OF TITLE has the power to
enter the United States and it's people into a suicide pact.

But this is what Biden is doing. Right now.

There's no many things that we could do with that $60 billion
other than help the Ukraine destroy us all in a nuclear war.
And, after the Ukraine succeeds there will be nothing you
wouldn't give to go back to this day and act against Biden and
his suicide pact.
Athel Cornish-Bowden
2024-04-25 08:59:21 UTC
(a lot of drivel)
Post by John Harshman
Well, this is new. I don't think he's spouted any Russian propaganda
before. He even uses the Russian trope of referring to Ukraine as "the
Ukraine", as if it isn't really a country. Ukrainian government as
fascist, check. Moscow theater attack as Ukrainian plot, check. The
idea that Biden wants the US to be destroyed in a nuclear war is a new
one to me, though.
Something curious is that Russian has no definite article, so "Ukraine"
and "the Ukraine" would be exactly the same in Russian (and probably in
Ukrainian as well). I suppose they add the "the" when writing their
propaganda in English. Anyway, lacking a definite article themselves,
Russians are often confused about where it is needed, espeially as
there are differences between different western languages: as well as
l'Ukraine, French also has la France, l'Espagne, le Portugal,
l'Angleterre, le Danemark, le Chili, etc. Even languages closer to
French than English is do not agree as to where definite articles
should go: Spanish, for example, has Francia, España, Portugal,
Dinamarca, etc.
athel cb : Biochemical Evolution, Garland Science, 2016
2024-04-25 18:58:57 UTC
Post by Athel Cornish-Bowden
Something curious is that Russian has no definite article
Wow you said that and now the Ukrainian terrorism and
attempts to deploy radiological weapons of mass destruction,
while excluding peace, makes perfect sense. I'm so glad
Biden is senile and is enforcing a suicide pact he has no
right, no authority to make.

Thank you. Thank you so much.

