Organic molecules everywhere in space
(too old to reply)
Pro Plyd
2025-01-04 04:26:22 UTC
Google news search link using terms organic molecules space


Couple samples


Gamma radiation converts methane into complex
organic molecules and could explain the origin
of life
erik simpson
2025-01-04 04:56:46 UTC
Google news search link using terms   organic   molecules  space
Couple samples
Gamma radiation converts methane into complex
organic molecules and could explain the origin
of life
Organic molecules, even complex ones, are everywhere we look. S.J.Gould
speculated that life may be as common as quartz.
2025-01-04 05:09:01 UTC
Google news search link using terms   organic   molecules  space
Back in the day, and if you're over 30 this has got to include
you, everyone thought of "Organic" as being life or a product
of life. It no longer means that.

We live on the Clown World where the language is fluid even in
instances when it really needs to be stable, like for science.

Can you think of ANY useful reason for a change where "Organic"
is applied to molecules associated with life AND molecules
completely independent of any life?

I can't. If anything screams for two different terms, this
would be it.

It's even worse than "Tools" which is used as a noun and a
verb, but whenever used a verb is then considered a noun
even when it is not.

Example: "Banging" the nut with a rock as opposed to
"Hammering." Nut jobs insist that because they used "Hammer"
as a verb that produces the noun... the rock is a hammer
and a hammer is a tool, thus the rock is a tool and the
primate is a "Tool user."

Stupid language from stupid people.
Martin Harran
2025-01-04 09:04:54 UTC
Post by JTEM
Google news search link using terms   organic   molecules  space
Back in the day, and if you're over 30 this has got to include
you, everyone thought of "Organic" as being life or a product
of life. It no longer means that.
It's near enough 60 years since I studied chemistry at college (high
school) but I was taught even then that organic chemistry was to do
with carbon and any compound containing it. Nothing at all about it
having to be life or a product of life.
Post by JTEM
We live on the Clown World where the language is fluid even in
instances when it really needs to be stable, like for science.
Can you think of ANY useful reason for a change where "Organic"
is applied to molecules associated with life AND molecules
completely independent of any life?
I can't. If anything screams for two different terms, this
would be it.
It's even worse than "Tools" which is used as a noun and a
verb, but whenever used a verb is then considered a noun
even when it is not.
Example: "Banging" the nut with a rock as opposed to
"Hammering." Nut jobs insist that because they used "Hammer"
as a verb that produces the noun... the rock is a hammer
and a hammer is a tool, thus the rock is a tool and the
primate is a "Tool user."
Stupid language from stupid people.
2025-01-05 03:45:37 UTC
Post by Martin Harran
Post by JTEM
Back in the day, and if you're over 30 this has got to include
you, everyone thought of "Organic" as being life or a product
of life. It no longer means that.
It's near enough 60 years since I studied chemistry at college (high
school) but I was taught even then that organic chemistry was to do
with carbon and any compound containing it. Nothing at all about it
having to be life or a product of life.
I once stated that Chicago was as far away from NY as NY is from
Chicago and TWO people disagreed with me. You are proving it was
not a fluke.