(too old to reply)
2024-04-01 16:43:40 UTC
Here's some media brainwashing that's pretending to be
all about SCIENCE but is really about protecting the
Out of Africa purity narrative...


: Why did humans take over the world while our closest
: relatives, the Neanderthals, became extinct?

Neanderthals were humans.

There no definitive means for determining where the "Different
Species" line is drawn between two closely related POPULATIONS,
but the single BEST and most accurate test is interbreeding.

It's not definitive by any means but it is the closest test we
have to definitive. So why is it ignored in the case of

No reason.

So the preponderance of the evidence does come down in favor
of Same Species," while this story is pretending that
Neanderthals belonged to a separate genus!

: Two hundred and fifty thousand years ago, Europe and western
: Asia were Neanderthal lands.

Were they? How many unambitious Neanderthal finds can you
cite, dating past 130,000 years or so?

: Forty thousand years ago Neanderthals disappeared from Asia
: and Europe

This cite says 24 to 28k years ago:


Brace for it. Here's that Out of Africa purity:

: Modern hunter-gatherers provide our best guess at how early
: humans and Neanderthals lived. People like Namibia’s Khoisan
: and Tanzania’s Hadzabe

Neanderthals were humans and it's excessively unlikely that
they could have lived in a similar manner. Else, how would they
have arrived in Europe in the first place?

And here's more idiocy pretending to be science:

: What points to this is evidence that Neanderthals had lower
: genetic diversity.

They're comparing Neanderthal "Genetic Diversity" to that in
people TODAY.

If you can't grasp why that's wrong, leave. Shut off your
computer. Go away.

Next, they move from fake science to wild speculation:

: Neanderthals, strong and skilled with spears were likely good
: fighters. Lightly-built humans probably countered by using
: bows to attack at range.

Finally, they close with even more wild speculation:

: It may be then that an ability to

If all you've got is disinformation & speculation, why would
you even type the piece, much less publish it?

Still, more than enough to fool the collective...
2024-04-01 21:42:16 UTC
The Neanderthal wwas a very advanced bipedal ape with huge dark-world
eyes and a fur coat. We could no more interbred with that than we could
with horses.
Post by JTEM
Here's some media brainwashing that's pretending to be
all about SCIENCE but is really about protecting the
Out of Africa purity narrative...
:  Why did humans take over the world while our closest
:  relatives, the Neanderthals, became extinct?
Neanderthals were humans.
There no definitive means for determining where the "Different
Species" line is drawn between two closely related POPULATIONS,
but the single BEST and most accurate test is interbreeding.
It's not definitive by any means but it is the closest test we
have to definitive. So why is it ignored in the case of
No reason.
So the preponderance of the evidence does come down in favor
of Same Species," while this story is pretending that
Neanderthals belonged to a separate genus!
:  Two hundred and fifty thousand years ago, Europe and western
: Asia were Neanderthal lands.
Were they?  How many unambitious Neanderthal finds can you
cite, dating past 130,000 years or so?
:  Forty thousand years ago Neanderthals disappeared from Asia
:  and Europe
:  Modern hunter-gatherers provide our best guess at how early
:  humans and Neanderthals lived. People like Namibia’s Khoisan
:  and Tanzania’s Hadzabe
Neanderthals were humans and it's excessively unlikely that
they could have lived in a similar manner. Else, how would they
have arrived in Europe in the first place?
:  What points to this is evidence that Neanderthals had lower
:  genetic diversity.
They're comparing Neanderthal "Genetic Diversity" to that in
people TODAY.
If you can't grasp why that's wrong, leave. Shut off your
computer. Go away.
:  Neanderthals, strong and skilled with spears were likely good
: fighters. Lightly-built humans probably countered by using
: bows to attack at range.
:  It may be then that an ability to
If all you've got is disinformation & speculation, why would
you even type the piece, much less publish it?
Still, more than enough to fool the collective...
André G. Isaak
2024-04-01 23:58:08 UTC
Post by panther2020
The Neanderthal wwas a very advanced bipedal ape with huge dark-world
eyes and a fur coat.  We could no more interbred with that than we could
with horses.
What the hell does 'huge dark-world eyes' mean?

To email remove 'invalid' & replace 'gm' with well known Google mail
Bob Casanova
2024-04-02 00:23:49 UTC
On Mon, 1 Apr 2024 17:58:08 -0600, the following appeared in
Post by André G. Isaak
Post by panther2020
The Neanderthal wwas a very advanced bipedal ape with huge dark-world
eyes and a fur coat.  We could no more interbred with that than we could
with horses.
What the hell does 'huge dark-world eyes' mean?
It means he is unaware of Neanderthal DNA in modern H.sap.
Bob C.

"The most exciting phrase to hear in science,
the one that heralds new discoveries, is not
'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'"

- Isaac Asimov
2024-04-02 07:49:49 UTC
Post by André G. Isaak
Post by panther2020
The Neanderthal wwas a very advanced bipedal ape with huge dark-world
eyes and a fur coat.  We could no more interbred with that than we could
with horses.
What the hell does 'huge dark-world eyes' mean?
eyes adapted to see in dark caves. The yellow face, it burns us!

2024-04-02 12:54:09 UTC
What Neaanderthals actually looked like......

2024-04-02 18:19:44 UTC
Post by panther2020
What Neaanderthals actually looked like......
It's quite irrelevant, at least as far as this thread

It would be shocking if humanity, our looks, didn't
converge over time, as populations merged. And if
we expect that humanity converged over time then
that would require that our physical traits would
have DIVERGED as we moved backwards in time.

BACKWARDS: Divergence.

FOREWORD: Convergence.

It's a basic concept -- not even 101 level, more
like 100 or 95 -- and yet the fraud that is paleo
anthropology actively denies it. It's one of the
very many BASICS that the fraud rejects.
2024-04-02 18:27:15 UTC
Post by panther2020
What Neaanderthals actually looked like......
By the way:

The video is such utter crap that they had to disable comments.

Neanderthals WERE humans.

So his underlying basis for EVERYTHING is false.

He's comparing Neanderthal anatomy to our present day
anatomy, and even then pretty much limited to

What's wrong with this?

For starters, the so called "Moderns" of a few hundred
thousand years ago, and even most of the so called
"Moderns" far more recently, couldn't be mistaken for
modern humans. They brow ridges, for example.

Finally, our reconstructions do suck. All of them. Even
the ones he misrepresents as good, like the famous King
Tut he pictures.

JUST FREAKING GOOGLE IT, for crying out loud!

There's actually not "a" reconstruction of his face but
a RANGE of reconstructions.

Plus his audio sucks.